The Mountain of Madness in the Color out of Space.

The Mountain of Madness in the Color out of Space.

I had spent most of the day moving water around to drain the mud road and had just returned from getting motor oil for the generator (which always wants an oil change at the most inopportune time) when I sat down on the back deck to have a smoke. The car had to be left up on the hill, so I had walked down carrying a jug of motor oil and a jug of coolant while trying to avoid the two, quicksand-like pits of mud on my way home. I was done for the day, friends; Absolutely D-U-N done with it all. Then my husband opened the door and said: “Go look at the view from the front deck!”

That’s Mount Denali, bathed in the Color out of Space. Damn. I remind myself that people spend thousands of dollars to see this only once in their life, and I get to see it every day that isn’t cloudy. (On a side note, The Color out of Space, starring Nicholas Cage is absolutely fantastic! And it kind of explains why I’m always walking around saying: “What is THAT smell!?”)

But back to this view though… Hot Damn!


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