Social Distancing Level Expert.

Social Distancing Level Expert.

nice and quiet!

I am impressed by Alaska’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our schools have been empty for a couple of weeks, our restaurants open for takeout only for a while and we have a travel advisory to keep instate travel to a minimum. Anchorage has hunker down orders and Ketchikan is shelter in place.

It is still business as usual for the Benders. We often go long stretches without leaving Noctiluca. Some times we get snowed in. I know the social distancing has been hard on some of my friends in the Lower 48, but it’s pretty much normal life for us. Tonight we had Sauna Shenanigans! It took some doing to dig a path over because we had yet more snow this week!

I’ve heard the COVID-19 doesn’t like “sauna conditions”. I don’t know if this is true, but I figured it couldn’t hurt.

And of course the obligatory snow dive!

I cleaned out a closet and stumbled upon a hidden pot of gold! A box of medical supplies and a pack of toilet paper I had hidden away there once upon a time. I honestly don’t remember when I did that, or whether it was prompted by some Nostradamus-esque vision of 2020 or just my normal paranoid nature, but I sure am I happy I squirreled that away!

Fucking SCORE!

I made art.

So did the children.

I’ve actually been too busy to read any books! I have heard of some book stores and public libraries making “grab bags” of books so people can have something to read with minimal face-to-face interaction, which I think is a brilliant idea! If anyone is bored at home, I’d love to exchange a book or several and would be happy to drop some in the mail for you.

I hope my more social friends are not having too hard a time during this social distancing/isolation. I’ll be adding some more fun homeschool projects to the blog soon. Stay tuned, stay safe, and above all, stay well!


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