Saturday With Sharon.

Saturday With Sharon.

From time to time someone will remind me that I do not have a paying job. Like one of the former clerks at KKL, who said: “But you don’t even have a job,” when I cheerfully told him “TGIF” when I stepped up to the counter to pay. Alrighty then! I didn’t say anything, of course, and I was polite when I paid, but let’s just say that I’m not surprised in the slightest that HE no longer has a job either.

Haha! Guess you don’t have a job either, motherfucker!

The thought that a parent who stays home to care for children has a lazy existence compared to those who work a paid job, is so outdated and cliche that it doesn’t even warrant mention. But for anyone who thinks I sit on my arse all day, I’d like to invite them to my Saturday:

I woke up early, made breakfast and drove out to the village to deliver two baby trees I sold online. Then off to Moore’s Hardware to buy feed for the livestock. Hurried home and got a stew going in the crockpot for dinner, and cooked lunch. Had to walk around the field playing a recording of guinea hens calling, because one of our keets was missing (it came back).

I made a bunch of candles for a large candle order.

Helped the kids with their science homework for the week.

Repotted two baby apple trees and two wisteria.

Did five loads of laundry. Yes, five. There are nine of us; that is a lot of dirty clothes.

Worked on the Ugly Mirror ™ project (one of my art projects that I’m very excited to talk about more later).

Had a nice visit and cup of tea with my neighbor.

Baked bread.

Served it with dinner.

Brushed little teeth, brushed little heads, read bedtime stories.

Finally was able to wash myself, sit on my arse, and read a book after all that.

Me too, Sparky, me too.

I don’t have a job, though.

How was your Saturday?

  • Oh yes…. I remember when all 7 of the kids were home. It’s never ending. But we don’t “work”.
    Bitch, I ran a home craft business, homeschooled, cooked all the meals, ran our farm, etc…. but I didn’t “work” either.
    SMH, Sister I got you. Love ya.

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