Kid Approved Salmon Kelp Cakes.

Kid Approved Salmon Kelp Cakes.

One of my cars is on the fritz and my mechanic is away at his gold mining claim for the rest of the summer (yes, really, welcome to Alaska), so whenever John and the older kids are away in Anchorage, I am “trapped” here at the old homestead. I don’t mind this at all, except they are away a bit longer than expected this time, and while my pantry and freezer are filled I was low on quick, easy, kid friendly staples like pasta. I did have tons of potatoes we just harvested the other day and lovely fresh salmon, so mash and salmon cakes it was today! I thought I would share this salmon cake recipe with you in case you too have food fussy kids and need an extra easy recipe to throw in the rotation. This recipe serves 10.


Heat oven to 375 F. Bake salmon fillets for 10-15 minutes (depending on size). Let salmon cool down completely and shred in a bowl. Add Everything Kelp Seasoning and mix well.

Add egg and Breadcrumbs and mix well.

Shape into patties, and fry in hot pan with vegetable oil until crunchy and brown.

Drain excess oil by setting patties on a plate with paper towels. Serve with something easy.

Pictured here with mash and apple sauce.

  • My mom used to make “salmon patties” but I’m pretty sure the salmon came from a can! Still, those were always a treat—I had forgotten about them. Yours look sooo much better! I might have to give your recipe a try!
    Btw if not for COVID, we’d be wrapping up our trip to Alaska, with train stop in Talkeetna, today.😢

    • I’m so bummed about not being able to meet you this year 😢 But I hope you’ll make it out here some time!! I bet the canned salmon your mom used came from Ketchikan; there used to be a large cannery there!! When I was a kid, the fishmongers would sell fried cod cakes made with potato. I have not been able to replicate them properly yet, but if I ever do I will post that recipe as well!

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