Holy (Sea)Cow!

Holy (Sea)Cow!

It was a treat day today. We rented the Swim Alaska pool for an hour. This offer was only available to families currently enrolled in their swim classes, and for me, it was a godsend. I have OCI that resulted from a compound fracture to the sacrum after a horrid gymnastics accident I had as a child. It was never treated (I never even got to see a doctor); It caused everything from my pelvic area up to grow crooked. And bad scoliosis resulting from this that was also never treated. Oh, the wonders of socialized medicine! Anyway, can you imagine how tall I would have been if I had grown straight up? Probably The Fates reigning in all that awesomeness. But to quote Milton Dammers: “My body is a roadmap of pain.”

I also sheared my sheep this week. Ugliest fucking shear job in the history of domesticated sheep. And no, you will NOT get a picture of that. Seriously, a caveman with a blunt stone could have done better, but I got it done and I can tell you that sheep shearing is NOT a job for people who suffer from OCI and scoliosis.

So I was sore and miserable, but so happy Miss Tina offered pool rentals this week!

I wasn’t even sure my swimsuit would still fit me!I It did, and Miss Tina said I looked great. I felt kind of like a dugong. I’ve always been slim. I was a top level athlete for a good part of my life. I still did triathlons up until my second child was born (the shoulder dystocia of that birth fucked up my already crooked bones so badly, I have to walk with a cane some times). It doesn’t help that my mother was this Great Classic Beauty ™ and that it is nigh impossible to live up to that. This is a painting of her done by my friend Orion Misciagna, (Seatlle Live Painter).

But maybe being a dugong isn’t so bad. They seem happy, .And the description of their life is pretty accurate for mine: “…Although they are social animals, they are usually solitary or found in pairs..”


And I never really contemplate the awesomeness of what my body has done. My body has *literally* grown every one of the people in this video. From their brain, to their toes, from their spine to their organs… all of these people, I grew inside this twisted, hurting carcass that I haul around. It blows my mind when I see them all at once like this.

I made ALL of these!

From the Tall one, to the Fearless Small One, and the One Who Did Not Jump. Holy shit. Nature is amazing. I may look like a dugong now, but I would not trade that for the alternate. Not for a billion dollars. Not in a million years.

1 comment
  • You do not look like a dugong or a manatee! You look just fine to me! And everybody tells me I have a good looking daughter that could be my twin! And about your aching body, try some Yoga it helps me and my scoliosis!! And try some Velderkreis that may help too!

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