Egyptian Determinative List.

Egyptian Determinative List.

My Middle Egyptian studies are going well, but I found myself having to spend an inordinate amount of time trying the correlate the determinatives at the end of most Egyptians words with the Gardiner sign number. You may recall that this is required to be able to type the correct MdC codes into Jsesh. Tonight I looked up each sign that Hoch lists as a “common determinative” at the beginning of Lesson 2, and typed them into Jsesh, along with the correct MdC coding and Hoch’s glass. I did this for my own use, but you are welcome to use it as well. It is in SVG format so you should be able to zoom in without loss of clarity. For some signs, I have listed the built-in mnemonic shortcuts installed by default with Jsesh as well as the Gardiner sign number. In these instances, I have separated the two encodings with a comma. For example the entry for child is Xrd, A17. You would type either Xrd or A17 (but not both). Other entires contain multiple signs, like people which has two signs on top of another sign. For this output, you would type exactly the code in bold, that is, A1*B1:Z2 to get the displayed hieroglyphic output.

I did also learn a new feature of Jsesh: how to rotate hieroglyphs. Take a look at the entry for door. It uses O31. But then look at the description, you will note the comment that the sign depicts one of a pair of door leaves, and then you will see that I rotated the original glyph by 90 degrees each way to make a matched set. To do this, I entered O31\r1-O31\t1. Jsesh converted the rotation commands into a more generic O31\R270_-O31\\R270. I assume that \R270 is a 270 degree counterclockwise rotation and the \\R270 is a clockwise rotation. If it was not so late at night, I would check to see if I could replace \\R270 with \R90. Maybe I will experiment more tomorrow.

If you want to cut and paste this into your own copy of Jsesh (to edit or add new entires, fix errors, etc.) here is the source code:

++JSesh_Info 1.0 +s
++JSesh_use_lines_for_shading true +s
++JSesh_max_quadrant_width 22.0 +s
++JSesh_line_skip 6.0 +s
++JSesh_small_skip 2.0 +s
++JSesh_column_skip 10.0 +s
++JSesh_standard_sign_height 18.0 +s
++JSesh_small_body_scale_limit 12.0 +s
++JSesh_cartouche_line_width 1.0 +s
++JSesh_small_sign_centered true +s
++JSesh_page_direction LEFT_TO_RIGHT +s
++JSesh_max_quadrantHeight 18.0 +s
++JSesh_page_orientation HORIZONTAL +s
+l Common Determiniatives +s-!
A1_-+b A1 +s-+i man, person, "seated man" +s-!
B1_-+b B1 +s-+i woman, "seated woman" +s-!
A1*B1:Z2_-+b A1*B1:Z2 +s-+i people +s-!
Xrd_-+b Xrd, A17 +s-+i child+s-!
A19_-+b A19 +s-+i old man +s-!
A21_-+b A21 +s-+i official +s-!
Sps_-+b Sps, A51 +s-+i revered person, especially the deceased (after the person's name)+s-!
A40_-+b A40 +s-+i god, king +s-!
A41_-+b A41 +s-+i king (with the royal uraeus on the brow) +s-!
G141_-+b G141 +s-+i god, king +s-!
I12_-+b I12 +s-+i goddess, queen +s-!
A28_-+b A28 +s-+i high, rejoice, support +s-!
A30_-+b A30 +s-+i praise, homage, supplication +s-!
A24_-+b A24 +s-+i force, effort, activity+s-!
A2_-+b A2 +s-+i eating, drinking, speaking, thinking, feeling ("man with hand to mouth")+s-!
A9_-+b A9 +s-+i lift, carry, load +s-!
A7_-+b A7 +s-+i tired, weak, sitting +s-!
A13_-+b A13 +s-+i enemy, foreigner +s-!
A14_-+b A14 +s-+i enemy, death, evil+s-!
A55_-+b A55 +s-+i lying down, death, burial +s-!
A53_-+b A53 +s-+i mummy, stature, likeness. shape+s-!
tp-+b tp, D1 +s-+i head, nodding+s-!
Sny-+b Sny, D3 +s-+i hair, mourning, forlorn+s-!
ir_-+b ir, D4 +s-+i eye, sight, actions of the eye+s-!
D6_-+b D6 +s-+i actions or conditions of the eye +s-!
fnD_-+b fnD, D19 +s-+i nose, smelling, joy, contempt +s-!
sDm_-+b sDm, F21 +s-+i ear, states or activities of the ear (animal's ear) +s-!
bH_-+b bH, F18 +s-+i tooth, action of teeth, requesting, demanding (elephant tusk) +s-!
D37_-+b D37 +s-+i offering, presenting +s-!
D41_-+b D41 +s-+i arm, bending the arm, ceasing, tilting +s-!
D32_-+b D32 +s-+i enveloping, embracing +s-!
mt_-+b mt, D52 +s-+i phallus; less correctly: sexual activity, uriniation +s-!
D53_-+b D53 +s-+i sexual activity, urination; less correctly: phallus +s-!
gH_-+b gH, D56 +s-+i leg, foot, action of the feet +s-!
D54_-+b D54 +s-+i walking, running ("walking legs"); frequently combined: +s-D56-D54-!
D55_-+b D55 +s-+i retreating, backwards motion, backwards (direction), repetition ("backwards walking legs") +s-!
F51_-+b F51+s-+i flesh, meat ("flesh") +s-!
Aa2_-+b Aa2 +s-+i swellings, wounds, disease, bandaging, odours (depicts a pustule) +s-!
F52_-+b F52 +s-+i bodily discharges, odours +s-!
E1_-+b E1 +s-+i cattle +s-!
E20_-+b,+s-E21_-+b E20, E21 +s-+i wild, raging, storms ("Seth animal" depicts the animal associated with the god Seth) +s-!
F27_-+b F27 +s-+i leather, pelts, mammal, animal (including insects) ("animal"; depicts a hide with tail) +s-!
T19B_-+b T19B +s-+i bone, ivory, harpoons (a stylized fish skeleton) +s-!
zA_-+b zA, G39 +s-+i bird, insect (i.e. "flying creature") +s-!
G37_-+b G37 +s-+i bad, evil, nuisance ("bad bird" depectis a sparrow)+s-!
bz_-+b bz, K5 +s-+i fish +s-!
I14_-+b I14 +s-+i snake, worm +s-!
iAm_-+b iAm, M1 +s-+i tree +s-!
Hn_-+b Hn, M2 +s-+i plant, flower+s-!
M43_-+b M43 +s-+i vine, fruit +s-!
xt_-+b xt, M3 +s-+i wood, tree +s-!
U9_-+b U9 +s-+i grain (depicts a sack of grain being emptied) +s-!
M33_-+b M33 +s-+i grain, particles (rarely: +s-M33A_-+b) +s-!
pt_-+b pt, N1 +s-+i sky, above (depicts the upper firmament) +s-!
N2_-+b,+s-N3-+b N2, N3 +s-+i night, darkness (depicts the upper firmament with - for reasons unknown - a sceptre +s-!
+i or broken and mended oar suspended from it)+s-!
dwA_-+b dwA, N14 +s-+i star +s-!
Q7_-+b Q7 +s-+i fire, heat, cooking (brazier with smoke) +s-!
O39_-+b O39 +s-+i stone (the sign is narrower than the alphabetic sign +s-S_-+i[+s-+tS+s-+i].) +s-!
N34-+b N34 +s-+i copper, bronze, metal (depicts a crucible) +s-!
N33:Z2_-+b N33:Z2 +s-+i sand, minerals, pellets, particles, spices, metals, etc. (depicts particles) +s-!
mw_-+b mw, N35A +s-+i water, liquid, actions connected with water +s-!
N36_-+b N36 +s-+i bodies of water +s-!
N23_-+b N23 +s-+i irrigated land (irrigation channels seem from above) +s-!
N21_-+b N21 +s-+i land (later often replaces +s-N23-+i)+s-!
N31_-+b N31 +s-+i road, travel, position (e.g. after "here," "there," etc.) (depicts a road with shrubs or +s-!
+iboundary markers seen from above)+s-!
xAst_-+b xAst, N25 +s-+i desert, hilly terrain, foreign country (depicts three hills) +s-!
qmA_-+b qmA, T14 +s-+i foreign (country or person) ("throw stick")+s-!
niwt_-+b niwt, O49 +s-+i town, village, Egypt (depicts either a cross-roads, or a circular village with huts)+s-!
pr_-+b pr, O1 +s-+i house, building, (also: things with interiors - e.g. boxes, chairs; depicts the floor-plan+s-!
+iof a simple house)+s-!
O31_-+b O31 +s-+i door, to open (depicts one of a pair of door leaves, with pivot tangs: +s-O31\R270_-O31\\R270-+i)+s-!
qrs_-+b qrs, Q6 +s-+i box, chest; coffin+s-!
mDt_-+b mDt, V19 +s-+i mat, fibre, basketry+s-!
P1_-+b P1 +s-+i boat, ship, navigation+s-!
P1A-+b P1A +s-+i to capsize, overturn+s-!
P3_-+b P3 +s-+i sacred bark+s-!
S28-+b S28 +s-+i cloth, clothing, linen (a fringed cloth with +s-s-+i [folded cloth] below)+s-!
arq_-+b arq, V12 +s-+i binding, thread, document (i.e. the string binding a sealed papyrus)+s-!
St_-+b St, V1 +s-+i rope, acitons involving ropes and cords+s-!
T30_-+b T30 +s-+i knife, cutting+s-!
mr-+b,+s-U7_-+b mr, U6, U7 +s-+i hoe, cultivation, hacking up+s-!
Z9_-+b Z9 +s-+i breaking, dividing, crossing, calculating+s-!
iab_-+b iab, W10 +s-+i cup+s-!
W23-+l(less accurately transcribed+s-W6-+l) +s-+bW23 (W6) +s-+i vessel, anoint, beverages+s-!
X2D_-+b X2D +s-+i bread (bread in a pan or bread mold)+s-!
N18-+b,+s-X4_-+b N18, X4 +s-+i loaf, bread, offerings+s-!
Hb_-+b Hb, W3 +s-+i festival+s-!
Y1-+b,+s-Y1v_-+b Y1, Y1v +s-+i book, writing, abstract nouns ("book roll" depicts a papyrus roll+s-!
+itied and sealed)+s-!
<-+bname+s->-+b <--> +s-+i royal name ("cartouche" which encloses the king's main names)+s-!
Z1_-+b Z1 +s-+i one +s-!
Z2_-+b Z2 +s-+i (also +s-Z3-+i [+s-+bZ3+s-+i] +s-Z3A-+i [+s-+bZ3A+s-+i] +s-N33A-+i[+s-+bN33A+s-+i] +s-N33AV-+i[+s-+bN33AV+s-+i] pluality ("plural strokes")+s-!
Z5_-+b Z5 +s-+i substitute for complicated signs that are difficult to draw (mostly used in hieratic)+s-!

If you do find a mistake, kindly let me know so that I can update my copy.


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