Sharon Bender

Around Talkeetna, #1; West Rib Pub & Grill.

Welcome to my “Around Talkeetna” series, Episode One. This is where I will write about, and review, places around our little village. Today’s episode is brought to you by my broken dishwasher. Saturday morning, first thing, my...

Why I Left the Cult of Facebook.

My recent decision to no longer have a presence on Facebook was met with great incredulity from my friends. I laid out my thoughts and poured out my heart in the following message to my friends: “Thank you to everyone who has checked on me the...

This is Not a Normal House.

The title here refers to both the Noctiluca House, a physical off-grid castle, and the House Bender, the eccentric family who live in the castle. The first thing you need to know is that our house is so remote that the word “boondocks”...

How to make friends with ravens

Raven (Corvus corax)About two years ago, a pair of ravens began eating from my compost pile. I was very worried about this at first. Wile I adore corvids (one of my sons is named Corvus, after all), I had heard about ravens attacking poultry. I keep...

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