Sharon Bender

Our Life With Turkeys.

The blog has been quiet lately, because it’s that busy time of year when I’m balls deep in both snow and paperwork for our homeschool program. This morning I woke up with the best intentions to work on both of those things, only to be...

Ma Bender’s Falafel.

There are only two things in the world that are universally hated by all people. Progressives and Conservatives, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Atheists, Vegans and Carnivores, Veterans and Pacifists, Cross Fitters and Couch...

Around Talkeetna #3; Saturday in the Boonies.

On Friday night, I received some really crappy news. It was the kind of news that leaves you feeling anger and sadness with a touch of existential angst, so while the family went out to enjoy the Fur Rondy fireworks, I went home and watched The...

Holy (Sea)Cow!

It was a treat day today. We rented the Swim Alaska pool for an hour. This offer was only available to families currently enrolled in their swim classes, and for me, it was a godsend. I have OCI that resulted from a compound fracture to the sacrum...

Noctiluca Ice Classic 2020.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is almost March and that means it is time to post the annual Noctiluca Ice Classic. This will be our seventh contest. Most of you will already be familiar with our yearly game, but for those who are not, I will briefly...

Nessun Dorma.

Last week on my Insta I bragged about the power never going out as John and I replaced Big Blue’s, our generator, computer brain. That was hubris. After almost eight years of living off-grid, you’d think I would know that. Clearly, I...

Beyond the Sushi Boat; A Special Night at Kumagoro.

Twenty years ago, John and I spent a night at the Hotel Okura in Amsterdam. For dinner that night, we decided to stay within the hotel and choose one of their restaurants. We settled on Yamazato, their restaurant that serves traditional, Japanese...

Frozen Burritos, Brownies, and Lenin.

Two days ago, as the current Snowpocalypse ™ was starting, I was standing in the frozen food isle of our village grocer. I knew I was going to be balls deep in The White Shit for days and dealing with our electrical problems, so I needed...

A Night at the Anchorage Opera; Frida.

Last night John took me to the city to see an opera. It has been fifteen years since I’ve last seen an opera. It is safe to say that I was crazy excited about it!When we think of opera, we think of tragic stories in foreign languages with...

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