Sharon Bender

Ma Bender’s Backwoods Homeschool: Squid Dissection.

Cephalopods are a class of animals whose earliest fossils date back to the late Cambrian period, and dominated the oceans during the Ordovician. Modern cephalopods come in two sub classes: Coleoidea (who have mostly or completely lost their shells)...

Social Distancing Level Expert.

I am impressed by Alaska’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our schools have been empty for a couple of weeks, our restaurants open for takeout only for a while and we have a travel advisory to keep instate travel to a minimum. Anchorage has...


I’m super stoked to announce that my shop on the blog here is open! My art will not be censored here! Hooray! You can find the link to the shop at the top menu bar. Or you can click HERE right now. This blog is not monetized. You will never...

Pharaoh Kipmoses I.

Stuck at home with your kids thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic? Have no fear! Ma Bender’s Backwoods Homeschool has a project for you that will keep you busy for at least 35 days! Today, you are going to learn how to mummify a body, Ancient...

Fight the Outbreak, Become a Juggler!

As you may know, we are a circus family. Believe it or not, but the Green Light Circus put on by the Denali Arts Council was a HUGE factor in our decision to move to Talkeetna. We have always been a family that values theater and the arts. That time...

I Make Banned Art.

I am under no delusion that my little folk- and pop art paintings are anything more than a way to express myself and perhaps bring a bit of joy to my friends and buyers. But this morning I shed a tear of pride when my Happy Coronavirus painting...

Respect the Crown.

Don’t worry; I am still the hardcore anti-monarchist you know and love. I find the notion that some people are better than others, simply due to the accident of birth, abhorrent and disgusting. Or the idea that I somehow inherently owe loyalty...

Grandpa’s Sweater.

You probably know by now that we had a massive snowstorm over the weekend. Seventy two hours of non-stop snow, accumulating to almost 4 feet of new snow on top of what had already fallen all season long. It was epic.The Sheep Shack.The entrance to...

Plan Z.

If this had been my first Winter out here, it may have been my last. I have never seen a snowstorm so bad that my blower on the Deere couldn’t handle it. Until today. And I’m done, folks. The berms, which are taller than I am, were...

Dang Squatters!

It is March 7th and we have yet another snow storm. Two moose have chosen to ride out the storm by our house. Mama moose is in the tree line. The yearling calf, clearly in need of some brain cells, has taken to squatting UNDER OUR DECK! Alaska...

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