Sharon Bender

Dog Dead Tired.

I’m tired. I’m Dog Dead Tired. I injured my left knee two weeks ago and it hurts like a motherfucker, but I still hauled fuel through the deep snow so my family could be warm. Then I went out to get supplies… fresh things like milk and...

Sour ‘Puss.

If anyone ever asks if you can pinpoint the exact time I went completely mad, this is it. I baked a Sour ‘Puss today. It’s sourdough bread… shaped like an octopus. Badum tiss! Thanks, I’ll be here all week.I used the octopus...

Ice Classic Last Call.

The Great Meltdown has begun! Of course, we did just have 24 hours of straight snow over the weekend as well, because it’s 2020 and nothing is normal this year!You have one last day to cast your vote for this year’s Noctiluca Ice Classic...

I’ve Got a Jar of Dirt!

Out of my seven children, three had comfort items they toted around. For my oldest son, Orion, it first was a puffy blanket from Target he named Dekey. The original was lost on a cross-country road trip somewhere in Idaho, which caused him great...

Ma Bender’s Pumpkin Walnut Pancakes.

As promised, no life story, no bullshit, just a pancake recipe.Ingredients:1 can pumpkin puree3 eggs2 tsp. cinnamon1/2 tsp. ginger1/2 tsp. mace1/2 tsp. nutmeg1 tsp. baking powder1 tbsp. brown sugar1/2 cup chopped walnuts2 cups flourmilkbutterIn a...

Boots On, Guns Blazing.

Six years ago I was pregnant with my fifth child. We had just moved to the mainland after living on The Island for almost four years. My OB was located in Anchorage, and I was to give birth at Providence hospital. I’d had some complications...

Guide to The Hills for Weekenders.

Despite Governor Dunleavy’s Health Mandate 012 which prohibits in-State travel between communities for anything that is not critical infrastructure or critical personal need, it seemed like every Sledneck from Anchorage and the Lower Valley...

Ma Bender’s Backwoods Homeschool: Go Easy, Newbies.

A few days ago, a friend of mine messaged me and told me her daughter is having a very hard time trying to homeschool her three young children. She had never planned to be a homeschooling mom and was feeling completely overwhelmed. I am not a...

Ma Bender’s Backwoods Homeschool: Time Capsule.

We have a tradition in our family of making time capsules with our third grade kids. There are two buried around the property already. Rigel’s time capsule 2018.We ask the kids to write about themselves and collect items that reflect our...

What We Leave Behind.

While in the grand scheme of things life is not too different for my family than it normally is right now, we are still part of our communities; our local community, our State, our country, our world. And things are unmistakably different out there...

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