Sharon Bender

The Hill Tribe Travels Upriver.

This past Sunday we took a trip up the river. Up several rivers, to be precise. Three rivers converge near the village: The Talkeetna, the Susitna, and the Chulitna. Captain Izzy from Mahay’s Jet Boat Adventures took us out on the Talkeetna...

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Ladies and Gentlemen (and others), this morning of May the 22nd, the year of our Lord 2020, at 7:40 AM, we declared ice and snow free!!This makes Marianne Wurtz this year’s winner of the Noctiluca Ice Classic!She wins bragging rights, Eternal...

Ghost Town Talkeetna.

Yesterday I drove down from The Hills to go to the post office. It was May the 18th, High Season. The village streets should have been bustling with people; people shopping, people going down to the river, people jumping on a boat to go upriver...

We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat.

There are times when nothing seems to go according to plan and Breakup 2020 is one of those times for me. I know, I know, this year is not going according to anyone’s plans and my troubles are pretty minor compared to the massive impact the...

Ma Bender’s Coleslaw.

There is a secret to coleslaw that is not hard and bitter and that secret is citrus. My coleslaw takes 24 hours to make. Like ceviche, the acid of citrus juice chemically “cooks” the cabbage, softening and sweetening it, so your slaw is...

The Mountain of Madness in the Color out of Space.

I had spent most of the day moving water around to drain the mud road and had just returned from getting motor oil for the generator (which always wants an oil change at the most inopportune time) when I sat down on the back deck to have a smoke...

Alaskan Zen Garden.

It’s Breakup Season; the time that all the ice and snow melts and we are balls deep in mud out here in The Hills. The last three years have been easy Breakups, without large sinkholes that will swallow a car. This year we are not so lucky...

The Unexpected Guests.

We had some unexpected visitors eating from the compost pile today…MAJESTIC AF!!ZOMG! Thoth and his girlfriend came by and like chilled and ate things. Even our angry turkey toms and dogs were too awestruck to chase them off!!

Missing Mojo and the Secret to Happiness.

I like to think of myself as a happy person, but from time to time I just lose my mojo. It never lasts long though; never longer than a day. A friend of mine who stayed with me for several months observed that no matter how sour or angry I was the...

Quarantine Games; Fox Hunt.

I’m that mom who is “so extra” (according to my children). I was a Pinterest Mom long before Pinterest existed. It was born out of necessity; My oldest son refused to eat unless his food looked cute, so I had to resort to turning...

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