Sharon Bender

To See the World in a Potato Field.

This morning my five elder children and I went over to a neighbor’s farm to help them dig up their potatoes. It was a perfect, Alaskan Autumn day; The air was fresh and crisp. It was dry, though slightly overcast. A soft breeze blew in our...

Dear Centrists (A Letter From The Political Fringe)

Dear Centrist Friends and Family,It’s election season and I know you are nervous. You have chosen a geriatric candidate with dubious voting history to run against a geriatric candidate who is a gross, narcissistic nepotist with dubious views...

The Chrome Coyote.

Earlier this summer, I found a dead coyote nearby. It was up by the borough road, so it likely died from being hit by a car. We inspected the body to make sure it was not someone’s dog or a pet that was abandoned (that is something we see...

Saturday With Sharon.

From time to time someone will remind me that I do not have a paying job. Like one of the former clerks at KKL, who said: “But you don’t even have a job,” when I cheerfully told him “TGIF” when I stepped up to the...

For My Candle Peeps.

The Holiday Mercantile Artisan Co-op at Moore’s Hardware is one of My Favorite Things ™ about Talkeetna. I have always been in awe of what my friends and neighbors create. I too love creating things and have tried for years to be a part...

Cruciferous Crusade; A Fried Cauliflower Recipe.

From time to time, someone will ask me: “How do you feed all these children?” The answer is twofold: I buy all the things I can in bulk, and a cauliflower is cheaper than a pack of steaks, so occasionally we are vegan/vegetarian. That...

Not Today, Jolene.

It has been eleven years since I’ve colored my hair. I’ve been doing the natural thing for over a decade, but I felt like mixing it up, so this week I went red. What do we say to the trifling, home-wrecking whore, Jolene? “Not...

Kid Approved Salmon Kelp Cakes.

One of my cars is on the fritz and my mechanic is away at his gold mining claim for the rest of the summer (yes, really, welcome to Alaska), so whenever John and the older kids are away in Anchorage, I am “trapped” here at the old...

Come Along the Moose Path.

To those who don’t live in the boreal forest of the high North, it can seem like a scary place, full of dense bushes and pitfalls of devil’s club. It is not what people expect to see because they have been mislead by period movies and...

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