An Ancient Egyptian Poem from 4000 years ago.

An Ancient Egyptian Poem from 4000 years ago.

Welcoming Death

This is a poem I translated from Lesson 7 of Hoch’s Middle Egyptian Grammar today. It is from The Dispute between a Man and his Ba from about 4000 years ago (1900 BCE). I am sure the translation could use some more work, but I thought that it was a great poem to share the week before Halloween.

iw mt m-Hr.i min
Death is before me today
  mi snb mr
  Like the recovery of a sick man
  mi prt r xntw r-sA ihmt
  Like going outside after confinement

iw mt m-Hr.i min 
Death is before me today
  mi sty antiw
  Like the smell of myrrh
  mi Hmst xrt XtAw hrw TAw
  Like sitting under an awning on windy day

iw mt m-Hr.i min 
Death is before me today
  mi sty sSnw
  Like the smell of lotuses
  mi Hmst Hr mryt nt txt
  Like sitting on the shore of a land of

iw mt m-Hr.i min
Death is before me today
  mi wAt Hwyt
  Like a well-trodden road
  mi iw s mSa r pr sn
  Like how a man from a military expedition
    returns to his family home

iw mt m-Hr.i min
Death is before me today
  mi Abbi s mAA
  Like a man’s desire to see his family home rnpwt aSAwt m nDrt
  After he spent many years in captivity


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